Please donate to SSP election fund

The SSP are determined to rely on our clean, hard-hitting socialist policies and principles

Dear Voice readers,
The by-election in Rutherglen & Hamilton West is on! And the Scottish Socialist Party is standing local resident, lifelong socialist, and trade unionist, Bill Bonnar, as our candidate, to ensure a vigorous socialist challenge to both Starmer’s Continuity Conservatives and the uninspiring, pro-big business agenda of the SNP.

I hope you’d agree the SSP has a long, honourable record of building solidarity with working-class people in struggle, against the systematic theft of workers’ wages, jobs, conditions, and rights. Since being formed in 1998, the SSP has persistently fought every cut to jobs and services, calling for No Cuts Budgets in defiance of Westminster and Holyrood austerity.

We campaign for a £15 minimum wage for all aged 16+; equal pay for women; and inflation-proofed pay rises for all workers. It’s bosses’ profits that fuel inflation, not workers’ wages! We campaign with others for an end to war and racism amidst the human catastrophe in Ukraine, Palestine, Yemen, etc.

We campaign on the streets for public ownership of transport and energy to halt pollution and profiteering; to slash fuel bills, provide clean green affordable energy, and free public transport for all — creating new, unionised, quality green jobs. For socialist change, not climate change.

The SSP has challenged in this parliamentary seat repeatedly since 1999 — with Bill Bonnar the SSP candidate on 5 different occasions! We have also stood SSP council candidates in each of the 4 towns in numerous elections and by-elections.

Betrayals by Labour
Labour has deserted the working class: dumped previous promises on public ownership; refused to support strikers; refused to pledge repeal of all anti-union laws; abandoned earlier plans to invest in green energy; refused to scrap the bedroom tax or the vicious two-child benefit cap.

That makes the need for a workers’ voice and genuine socialist alternative in the by-election even more urgent. I therefore ask you to consider making a Campaign Fund donation. We want to produce tens of thousands of quality leaflets to spread the word about workers’ struggles and advocate a fighting socialist alternative.

For People not Profit
We have no millionaire backers! We are proud to rely on the financial support of the workers and young people we consistently stand up for, against capitalist destruction for profit.

Every £5, £10, £20, or £50 you can afford — and any donations or collections you can muster in your union or workplace or amongst friends — is critically important to building a working-class socialist alternative to the horrors of capitalist exploitation — and the broken promises from pro-big business parties. And very much appreciated!

Pay into Scottish Socialist Voice, Bank of Scotland, Sort Code 80 83 44, Account Number 00109519.
Donate online HERE, or arrange to pay cash in person.
For any donations over £30 we will add a further 12 editions to your subscription to the Scottish Socialist Voice.
Help us win a socialist MP living on an average worker’s wage — not the £87,000 grabbed by the careerists!
Thanks very much!

Richie Venton,
Scottish Socialist Party
By-election Campaign Manager

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